Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"You can close your eyes it's alright..."

The other morning, early--6-ish...I woke up from the worst nightmare. Ever. In the history of my bad was horrifying.

I sat straight up, gasping, reeling, in utter shock. I couldn't get the images out of my head. Ivan woke up, turned on the light, held me until I could finally cry it out.

I sobbed---hard--- and left a tear puddle on his t-shirt.

He held me tight, stroked my hair and told me everything was alright, and that he would protect me, and our future babies. (BTW---baby dreams are the WORST! AHHHH!) and then he put on a funny movie to help me be distracted, while I snuggled into his shoulder and thought, "What a lucky, lucky, lucky...lucky girl am I."