{Image by Sarah Mick}
So with the melding of two cultures we've learned that there is a wealth of pop-culture, and delicious favorite indulgences that we like to share with each other.
For Ivancito, he wants to make sure our future kids know El Raton Vaquero...and Cri Cri
I want to make sure our kids have Danny Kaye singing Hans Christian Andersen.
As far as holiday traditions, well...we're still figuring that out. I have a feeling it will involve me making room in my traditional English+Scandinavian Christmas brain for fireworks, and spicy food.
As far as movies, (a big part of my family culture) Ivan has always been so willing to let me grab whatever I want at the local library and watch it with me. He's always so appreciative and open to my weird sensibilities, and movie tastes.
I mean, this is the guy who turned to me after watching "Rear Window" and said, "Wow, thank you! I don't know if I would have watched that on my own. Thank you for that opportunity."
Seriously? You're thanking me for introducing you to Hitchcock? I love this guy. MARRY ME! Oh, wait...
Don't ask me why, but I feel it necessary to prep him with classic Americana culture, not only for it's constant referencing in modern day, but because for the most part it's pretty dang good filmmaking!
Today was one of my all time favorites, "It's A Wonderful Life" ---and now after watching it together Ivan asked me if we could purchase it, to have a copy of our own in our library and watch it every Thanksgiving.
I love you, and YES!